Editorial: Coauthor! Coauthor!

    May 21, 2024

    When determining the authorship list for your next paper, be generous yet disciplined.

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    Multipartite continuous-variable optical quantum entanglement: Generation and application

    The authors offer an overview of progress and a future perspective of large-scale optical quantum entanglement. They cover a broad range of topics from the basics of continuous-variable optical quantum entanglement and a multiplexing methodology for the generation of large-scale quantum entanglement to future approaches toward practical usages of large-scale optical quantum entanglement. The content includes both pedagogical content and the search for future directions beyond the current frontier.

    Warit Asavanant and Akira Furusawa
    Phys. Rev. A 109, 040101 (2024)


    Editorial: Enhancing Physical Review A Letters

    January 4, 2023

    Physical Review A is excited to offer better visibility and a tailored abstract for our popular Letter articles.

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    Antiferromagnetic behavior in self-bound one-dimensional composite bosons

    The author theoretically studies the structure of self-bound one-dimensional droplets containing a mixture of ytterbium fermionic isotopes. The results indicate that these droplets consist of consecutive molecules made up of two different isotopes of ytterbium.

    M. C. Gordillo
    Phys. Rev. A 109, L061301 (2024)

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    Positron annihilation and binding in aromatic and other ring molecules

    The authors present experimental data for annihilation spectra and binding energies for positron interactions with several aromatic and heterocyclic ring molecules. The results are compared with the predictions of an ab initio theory of positron binding with excellent agreement.

    E. Arthur-Baidoo et al.
    Phys. Rev. A 109, 062801 (2024)

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    Mesoscopic non-Hermitian skin effect

    The authors derive the topological origin for the skin effect in a chiral waveguide quantum electrodynamics system which is lossless in the bulk. Unlike the conventional skin effect, this skin effect depends on the finite size of the lattice and is termed the “mesoscopic non-Hermitian skin effect.”

    Alexander Poddubny, Janet Zhong, and Shanhui Fan
    Phys. Rev. A 109, L061501 (2024)

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    Observation of spin bistability with paraffin-coated vapor cells

    The authors investigate spontaneous polarization and bistability in a room-temperature coated Cs cell with remarkably long spin coherence times of 17 seconds. Their results shed new light onto the phenomenon of spin bistability and spin-exchange collisions, and may find applications in optical switches utilizing spin-bistability-relevant devices in integrated optics and potentially in quantum interfaces.

    Shuyuan Chen et al.
    Phys. Rev. A 109, 063101 (2024)

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    Dynamical formation of a prethermal Bose-Einstein condensate in a Floquet-engineered lattice

    The authors report the experimental realization of an effective Hamiltonian with a continuously adjustable staggered gauge field for weakly interacting bosons in an optical lattice using Floquet engineering. They observe recondensation of quench-excited atoms on time scales faster than global heating due to the drive.

    J. Maslek, C. A. Bracamontes, and J. V. Porto
    Phys. Rev. A 109, 063302 (2024)

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    Charge transfer via temporary bonds in C60 + C60+ molecular collisions

    The authors introduce a model of C60 resonant charge transfer which accounts for the formation of temporary bonds between the two colliding fullerenes. These bonds extend the interaction time between the two molecules, increasing the charge-transfer cross section.

    J. Smucker et al.
    Phys. Rev. A 109, L060801 (2024)

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    Quench-induced spontaneous currents in rings of ultracold fermionic atoms

    The authors report the experimental observation of the spontaneous appearance of currents in a ring of ultracold fermionic 6Li atoms with attractive interactions, following a quench to a BCS-like pair superfluid. The results are compared with the predictions from the Kibble-Zurek mechanism.

    Daniel G. Allman, Parth Sabharwal, and Kevin C. Wright
    Phys. Rev. A 109, 053320 (2024)

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    Floquet time crystals as quantum sensors of ac fields

    The authors investigate the use of time-crystal phases for metrology, providing a concrete proposal as quantum sensors of AC fields. Their performance shows several useful advantages due to their long-range spatiotemporal ordering, overcoming the shot noise limit along with long interrogation times and robustness.

    Fernando Iemini, Rosario Fazio, and Anna Sanpera
    Phys. Rev. A 109, L050203 (2024)

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    Temperature-enhanced critical quantum metrology

    Counterintuitively, the authors show that critical metrology not only remains robust in the presence of finite temperature but can also benefit from it. Moreover, in certain cases, excited states exhibit significantly more non-classical behavior than ground states, further contributing to quantum-enhanced metrology.

    Laurin Ostermann and Karol Gietka
    Phys. Rev. A 109, L050601 (2024)

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    First passage times for continuous quantum measurement currents

    The authors study First-Passage-Time distributions, and how they can be computed for stochastic measurement currents. They gain insights into signal-to-noise-ratio bounds and false positive reduction strategies, and charge-resolved master equations.

    Michael J. Kewming, Anthony Kiely, Steve Campbell, and Gabriel T. Landi
    Phys. Rev. A 109, L050202 (2024)

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    Emergent infrared conformal dynamics: Applications to strongly interacting quantum states

    The authors exploit a connection between the theoretical renormalization group equation flow and the expansion dynamics of strongly interacting quantum gases. This analysis shows that there shall be an emergent conformal symmetry that restricts the dynamics and limits entropy production in one dimension, while it is absent in three-dimensions.

    Jeff Maki and Fei Zhou
    Phys. Rev. A 109, L051303 (2024)


    Quantifying Uncertainties in Quantum Simulations

    May 15, 2024

    A method for analyzing uncertainties in so-called analog quantum simulations could help scientists make precise predictions using these models.

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    Nikita A. Zemlevskiy, Henry F. Froland, and Stephan Caspar
    Phys. Rev. A 109, 052425 (2024)

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    Isometric tensor network optimization for extensive Hamiltonians is free of barren plateaus

    Strongly correlated quantum many-body systems from condensed matter and particle physics are very hard to study classically and variational quantum algorithms (VQAs) may be hampered by barren plateaus, where energy gradients decay exponentially in the system size. The authors prove that this critical problem can be resolved by employing VQAs based on suitable isometric tensor network states, establishing a new route for the investigation of strongly correlated quantum matter on NISQ devices.

    Qiang Miao and Thomas Barthel
    Phys. Rev. A 109, L050402 (2024)


    APS Announces Outstanding Referees for 2024

    APS has selected 156 Outstanding Referees for 2024 who have demonstrated exceptional work in the assessment of manuscripts published in the Physical Review journals. A full list of the Outstanding Referees is available online.


    Editorial: Introducing Perspective Articles

    April 18, 2022

    Three journals are excited to announce a new article type, “Perspectives,” to provide forward-looking views of cutting-edge science that has recently emerged or is enjoying renewed activity.

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    Special Collection on Laser-Plasma Particle Acceleration

    We are very pleased to offer the readers of Physical Review a new, carefully curated collection of articles from the vibrant field of laser-plasma particle acceleration. Some of the articles have already been published, and others will be forthcoming. This Collection is the latest in the journal’s series of Special Collections on current or emerging fields and topics.

    50years physics 280px

    50 Years of Physical Review A: The Legacy of Three Classics

    Physicists working in optics, atomic and molecular physics, and quantum information reflect on landmark papers and how they influence research today.

    Special Feature in Physics

    Current Issue

    Vol. 109, Iss. 6 — June 2024

    View Current Issue
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    APS Announces Outstanding Referees for 2024
    March 1, 2024

    APS has selected 156 Outstanding Referees for 2024 who have demonstrated exceptional work in the assessment of manuscripts published in the Physical Review journals. A full list of the Outstanding Referees is available online.

    APS Partners with Research4Life
    December 15, 2023

    Offer includes Journal Access and waived article publication charges to Scientists in 100+ Lower and Middle Income Countries

    Cloud Quantum Computing Demonstrations in Physical Review A
    October 6, 2022

    With the recent availability of multiple platforms for cloud quantum computing, Physical Review A is formalizing some expectations for manuscripts reporting work that makes use of such platforms.

    New Associate Editor for Physical Review A - Davide Girolami
    September 1, 2022

    We welcome Davide Girolami (Politecnico di Torino), who joins the editorial staff of Physical Review A as a remote Associate Editor.

    Margaret Reid Retires from Physical Review A
    July 5, 2022

    After serving as a remote Associate Editor for Physical Review A for three years, Margaret Reid is retiring from her editorial position. Margaret handled close to 700 papers in the area of quantum foundations, nonlocality, and quantum coherence with great expertise, and we are very grateful for her contribution as an editor and her efforts on behalf of PRA.

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