Podrobnosti e-časopisu
Název: Higher Education Pedagogies
ISSN: 2375-2696
LCCN: 2014203146
Recenzováno: Ano
Dostupnost: ProQuest Central
Dostupný od 2016/12/01 Do (včetně) 2017/12/31
Dostupný od 2019/01/01 Do (včetně) 2022/12/31
Dostupné pro: NTK, ÚOCHB
Pokračuje: Engineering education [1750-0044]
Formed by the union of: ITALICS: Innovations in Teaching & Learning in Information & Computer Sciences [1473-7507]
Formed by the union of: The journal for education in the built environment [1747-4205]
Formed by the union of: Business and Management Education in HE [2052-3963]
Formed by the union of: Planet [1473-1835]
Formed by the union of: Enhancing Learning in the Social Sciences [1756-848X]
Formed by the union of: Bioscience education e-journal [1479-7860]
Formed by the union of: Health and Social Care Education [2051-0888]