Podrobnosti e-časopisu
Název: Monthly Statistics of International Trade
ISSN: 1607-0623
LCCN: 00252505
Recenzováno: Ano
Dostupnost: EBSCOhost Business Source Ultimate
Dostupný od 2002/07/01 Do (včetně) 2005/12/31
Dostupné pro: NTK, ÚOCHB
Business, Economy and Management: Economics
Business, Economy and Management: General and Others
Business, Economy and Management: International Business & Transnational Corporations
Business, Economy and Management: Trade and Commerce
Social Sciences: Regional and International Studies
Pokračuje jako část ve: Statistiques mensuelles du commerce international [2219-5327]
Pokračuje jako část ve: Monthly Statistics of International Trade [2219-5033]
Pokračuje: Monthly statistics of foreign trade. Series A [0256-1743]
Jiné vydání: SourceOECD. Monthly international trade aggregates [1608-1226]
Jiné vydání: Monthly Statistics of International Trade [2074-398X]
Souvisí: OECD Quarterly International Trade Statistics [2313-0849]