e-Journal Details
Title: Poptronics
ISSN: 1526-3681
LCCN: sn 99009155
Peer-Reviewed: No
Availability: EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Available from 2000/01/01 until (and including) 2003/01/31
Authentication: NTK, ÚOCHB
Availability: EBSCOhost Business Source Ultimate
Available from 2000/01/01 until (and including) 2003/01/31
Authentication: NTK, ÚOCHB
Availability: ProQuest Central
Available from 2000/01/01 volume: 1 issue: 1 until (and including) 2003/01/31 volume: 4 issue: 1
Authentication: NTK, ÚOCHB
Availability: Science Journals
Available from 2000/01/01 volume: 1 issue: 1 until (and including) 2003/01/31 volume: 4 issue: 1
Authentication: ÚOCHB
Availability: Technology Collection
Available from 2000/01/01 volume: 1 issue: 1 until (and including) 2003/01/31 volume: 4 issue: 1
Authentication: ÚOCHB
Engineering: Electrical Engineering
Engineering: Electronics
Engineering: General and Others
Journal History:
Formed by the union of: Popular Electronics [1042-170X]
Formed by the union of: Electronics Now [1067-9294]