Podrobnosti e-časopisu
Název: Chaplaincy today
Alternativní: Chaplaincy Today: The Journal of the Association of Professional Chaplains
Alternativní: Chaplaincy Today:Journal of the Association of Professional Chaplains [E-journal]
Alternativní: chaplaincy today online journal of the association of professional chaplain
Alternativní: chaplaincy today the journal of the association of professional chaplain
ISSN: 1099-9183
LCCN: sn 98000777
Recenzováno: Ano
Dostupnost: EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Dostupný od 2009/10/01 Do (včetně) 2012/10/31
Dostupné pro: NTK, ÚOCHB
Arts and Humanities: Religion
Pokračuje: The Care giver journal [1077-842X]