e-Journal Details
Title: Journal of Engineering Education
Abbrev: J ENG EDUC
Abbrev: J. ENG. EDUC
Alternative: Journal of Engineering Education
ISSN: 1069-4730
LCCN: 93650237
Peer-Reviewed: Yes
Availability: EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Available from 2000/01/01
Most recent 1 year(s) not available
Authentication: NTK, ÚOCHB
Availability: ProQuest Central
Available from 1998/04/01 volume: 87 issue: 2 until (and including) 2014/10/31 volume: 103 issue: 4
Authentication: NTK, ÚOCHB
Availability: Science Journals
Available from 1998/04/01 volume: 87 issue: 2 until (and including) 2014/10/31 volume: 103 issue: 4
Authentication: ÚOCHB
Availability: Technology Collection
Available from 1998/04/01 volume: 87 issue: 2 until (and including) 2014/10/31 volume: 103 issue: 4
Authentication: ÚOCHB
Availability: Wiley Online Journals
Available from 1997/01/01 volume: 86 issue: 1
Authentication: NTK, UOCHB, VSCHT
Availability: Wiley Online Library All Journals
Available from 1996
Authentication: ÚOCHB, VŠCHT
Arts and Humanities: Education & Careers
Engineering: General and Others
Information Technology: General and Others
Telecommunications Technology: General and Others
Journal History:
Continues: Engineering education [0022-0809]