e-Journal Details
Title: Applications of Mathematics
Abbrev: APPL. MATH
Abbrev: CZECH
Abbrev: APPL. MAT
ISSN: 0862-7940
LCCN: 91651502
Peer-Reviewed: Yes
Availability: EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Available from 2008/02/01
Most recent 1 year(s) not available
Authentication: NTK, ÚOCHB
Availability: Free E- Journals
Available from 1956 volume: 1 issue: 1
Most recent 24 month(s) not available
Availability: ProQuest Central
Available from 1997/02/01 volume: 42 issue: 1 until (and including) 2018/12/31 volume: 63 issue: 6
Authentication: NTK, ÚOCHB
Availability: Science Journals
Available from 1997/02/01 volume: 42 issue: 1 until (and including) 2018/12/31 volume: 63 issue: 6
Authentication: ÚOCHB
Availability: SpringerLink Journals
Available from 1997/02/01 volume: 42 issue: 1
Authentication: NTK, ÚOCHB, VŠCHT
Availability: Technology Collection
Available from 1997/02/01 volume: 42 issue: 1 until (and including) 2018/12/31 volume: 63 issue: 6
Authentication: ÚOCHB
Engineering: Electrical Engineering
Engineering: Fluid Engineering
Mathematical Sciences: Applied Mathematics
Mathematical Sciences: General and Others
Physics: Mechanics
Journal History:
Continues: Aplikace matematiky [0373-6725]