Podrobnosti e-časopisu
Název: Journal of Commerce
Alternativní: Journal of commerce
ISSN: 0709-1230
Recenzováno: Ne
Dostupnost: ProQuest Central
Dostupný od 1996/07/22 Do (včetně) 2006/07/23
Dostupný od 2010/03/16 Do (včetně) 2017/04/26
Dostupné pro: NTK, ÚOCHB
Business, Economy and Management: Economics
Business, Economy and Management: Trade and Commerce
Social Sciences: Developmental Issues & Socioeconomic Studies
Formed by the union of: Journal of commerce (B. C. Yukon edition) [0318-8345]
Formed by the union of: Journal of commerce [0318-837X]
Formed by the union of: Journal of commerce [0709-1249]
Suplement: Construction West [0010-6941]
Suplement: The Leaders [0831-5582]
Suplement: Southam's Western Canada's building and construction handbook [0832-0284]