e-Journal Details
Title: Biomedical Technology Information Service
Alternative: Biomedical Technology Information Service
ISSN: 0147-2682
Peer-Reviewed: No
Availability: Natural Science Collection
Available from 1998/11/15 volume: 25 issue: 20 until (and including) 1998/12/15 volume: 25 issue: 22
Authentication: ÚOCHB
Availability: ProQuest Central
Available from 1998/11/15 volume: 25 issue: 20 until (and including) 1998/12/15 volume: 25 issue: 22
Authentication: NTK, ÚOCHB
Engineering: Biomedical Engineering
Information Technology: Healthcare Database & Medical Informatics
Life Sciences: Bioinformatics
Journal History:
Formed by the union of: Advanced biomedical technology [0094-0100]
Formed by the union of: Biomedical inventions reporter [0094-0119]
Formed by the union of: Government documents review [0094-0127]
Formed by the union of: Health care statistics report [0094-0135]