e-Journal Details
Title: Journal of Recreational Mathematics
ISSN: 0022-412X
LCCN: sf 78000098
Peer-Reviewed: Yes
Availability: ProQuest Central
Available from 2003/04/01 volume: 32 issue: 2 until (and including) 2005/10/31 volume: 34 issue: 4
Authentication: NTK, ÚOCHB
Availability: Science Journals
Available from 2003/04/01 volume: 32 issue: 2 until (and including) 2005/10/31 volume: 34 issue: 4
Authentication: ÚOCHB
Availability: Technology Collection
Available from 2003/04/01 volume: 32 issue: 2 until (and including) 2005/10/31 volume: 34 issue: 4
Authentication: ÚOCHB
Information Technology: General and Others
Mathematical Sciences: Applied Mathematics
Mathematical Sciences: Game Theory
Mathematical Sciences: General and Others