Podrobnosti e-časopisu
Název: The Book of the States
ISSN: 0068-0125
LCCN: 35011433
Recenzováno: Ne
Dostupnost: EZB journals Jurisprudence
Dostupný od 1982 ročník: 24
Dostupnost: Free E- Journals
Dostupný od 1982 ročník: 24
Social Sciences: Public Policy & Administration
Suplement: State elective officials and the legislatures [0191-9466]
Suplement: State elective officials and the legislatures [0191-9431]
Suplement: State legislative leadership, committees, and staff [0195-6639]
Suplement: State administrative officials classified by functions [0191-9423]
Suplement: Newly elected state officials and legislatures [0741-7330]
Suplement: Selected state officials and the legislatures [0191-944X]