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Godišnik na Sofijskiâ universitet Sv. Kliment Ohridski. Himičeski fakultet [0584-0317]
Full text available via EZB journals Geosciences
Available from 2013 volume: 102
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Chemistry: General and Others
Hacettepe journal of biology and chemistry [1303-5002]
Full text available via EZB journals Chemistry Pharmacy
Available from 2002 volume: 31
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Chemistry: General and Others
Life Sciences: Biology
Heteroatom Chemistry [1042-7163]
Full text available via DOAJ Directory of Open Access Journals
Available from 2019 until (and including) 2023
Full text available via EZB journals Chemistry Pharmacy
Available from 2019
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Chemistry: General and Others
Life Sciences: Biochemistry
Hyle [1617-4240]
Full text available via EZB journals Chemistry Pharmacy
Available from 1995
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Available from 1995 issue: 1
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Chemistry: General and Others
ICR annual report [1342-0321]
Full text available via EZB journals Chemistry Pharmacy
Available from 1996 volume: 3
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Chemistry: General and Others
Engineering: Chemical Engineering
Indian Journal of Biochemistry & Biophysics [0301-1208]
Full text available via EZB journals Chemistry Pharmacy
Available from 1999 volume: 36
Full text available via Free E- Journals
Available from 1999 volume: 36 issue: 1
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Chemistry: General and Others
Engineering: Biotechnology
Health Sciences: General and Others
Health Sciences: Physiology
Life Sciences: Biochemistry
Life Sciences: General and Others
Indian Journal of Chemistry [0019-5103]
Full text available via EZB journals Chemistry Pharmacy
Available from 2022 volume: 61 issue: 1
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Chemistry: General and Others
Indian journal of chemistry. Sect. A [0376-4710]
Full text available via EZB journals Chemistry Pharmacy
Available from 1976 volume: 14 until (and including) 2021 volume: 60
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Available from 1999 volume: 38 issue: 1
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Chemistry: General and Others
Indian journal of chemistry. Sect. B [0376-4699]
Full text available via EZB journals Chemistry Pharmacy
Available from 2020 volume: 59 until (and including) 2021 volume: 60
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Chemistry: General and Others
Indian Journal of Natural Products and Resources [0976-0504]
Full text available via DOAJ Directory of Open Access Journals
Available from 2009
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Available from 2010 volume: 1
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Chemistry: General and Others
Information bulletin - International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry [0145-5672]
Full text available via EZB journals Chemistry Pharmacy
Available from 1978 issue: 1 until (and including) 1979 issue: 2
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Chemistry: General and Others
International Journal of Food Properties [1094-2912]
Full text available via DOAJ Directory of Open Access Journals
Available from 2018
Full text available via EZB journals Chemistry Pharmacy
Available from 1998 volume: 1 issue: 1
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Agriculture Sciences: Agricultural Biotechnology
Agriculture Sciences: General and Others
Chemistry: General and Others
Life Sciences: General and Others
International Journal of Photoenergy [1110-662X]
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Available from 1999
Full text available via EZB journals Electrical Engineering Electronics
Available from 1999 volume: 1
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Chemistry: General and Others
International Union of Crystallography newsletter [1067-0696]
Full text available via EZB journals Geosciences
Available from 1998 volume: 6 issue: 1
Full text available via Free E- Journals
Available from 1998 volume: 6
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Chemistry: Analytical Chemistry
Chemistry: Applied Chemistry
Chemistry: Crystallography
Chemistry: General and Others
Earth Sciences: Mineralogy
Internet electronic journal of molecular design [1538-6414]
Full text available via EZB journals Chemistry Pharmacy
Available from 2002 volume: 1
Full text available via Free E- Journals
Available from 2002 volume: 1
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Chemistry: General and Others
Engineering: Biotechnology
Information Technology: Computational Biosciences
Information Technology: Modelling & Simulation
Information Technology: Neural Networks
Life Sciences: General and Others
Ion Exchange Letters [1803-4039]
Full text available via EZB journals Chemistry Pharmacy
Available from 2008 volume: 1
Full text available via EZB journals Materials Science Manufacturing
Available from 2008 volume: 1
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Chemistry: General and Others
Izvestiâ po Himiâ [0324-1130]
Full text available via EZB journals Chemistry Pharmacy
Available from 2010 volume: 42 issue: 1
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Chemistry: General and Others
Journal für Mineralstoffwechsel [1023-7763]
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Available from 1998
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Chemistry: General and Others
Chemistry: Inorganic Chemistry
Life Sciences: Metabolism
Journal für praktische Chemie [1436-9966]
Full text available via EZB journals Chemistry Pharmacy
Available from 1834 volume: 1 until (and including) 1879 volume: 127
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Chemistry: General and Others
Engineering: Chemical Engineering
Journal of Analytical Toxicology [0146-4760]
Full text available via EZB journals Chemistry Pharmacy
Available from 1996 volume: 20 issue: 1
Most recent 1 year(s) not available
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Chemistry: General and Others
Health Sciences: Public health
Title Starts with: Showing page 6 of 14 pages.
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