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Title Starts with: Showing page 1 of 4 pages.
Act - Bio * Bmc - Ind * Ind - Sou * Vir - Sha
Acta Biochimica Polonica [0001-527X]
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Available from 2003
Full text available via EZB journals Chemistry Pharmacy
Available from 1977 volume: 24
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Available from 1977 volume: 24 issue: 1
Full text available via PubMed Central
Available from 2024 volume: 71
  e-Journal Details SFX
Chemistry: Biochemistry
Chemistry: General and Others
Engineering: Biotechnology
Engineering: General and Others
Health Sciences: Physiology
Life Sciences: Biology
Life Sciences: General and Others
Agbioforum [1522-936X]
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Available from 1998 volume: 1 issue: 1
  e-Journal Details SFX
Agriculture Sciences: General and Others
Agriculture Sciences: Plant Pathology
Business, Economy and Management: Economics
Engineering: Biotechnology
Life Sciences: Biotechnology
Allergology International [1323-8930]
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Available from 1996
Full text available via Free E- Journals
Available from 1996 volume: 45 issue: 1
Full text available via J-STAGE Free
Available from 1996
  e-Journal Details SFX
Chemistry: Biochemistry
Engineering: Biotechnology
Health Sciences: Clinical Medicine
Health Sciences: General and Others
Life Sciences: General and Others
American Journal of Biochemistry & Biotechnology [1553-3468]
Full text available via EZB journals Chemistry Pharmacy
Available from 2005 volume: 1 issue: 1
  e-Journal Details SFX
Chemistry: Biochemistry
Engineering: Biotechnology
Life Sciences: Biochemistry
Life Sciences: Biology
Life Sciences: Biotechnology
American Journal of Veterinary Research [0002-9645]
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Available from 2022
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Agriculture Sciences: Veterinary Science
Chemistry: Biochemistry
Engineering: Biotechnology
Health Sciences: General and Others
Life Sciences: General and Others
Animal Biotechnology [1049-5398]
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Available from 2024
  e-Journal Details SFX
Agriculture Sciences: Agricultural Biotechnology
Agriculture Sciences: Animal Husbandry, Livestock Management & Poultry Sciences
Engineering: Biotechnology
Health Sciences: Genetics
Health Sciences: Immunology
Life Sciences: General and Others
Annual report - Jackson Laboratory [0093-4348]
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Engineering: Biotechnology
Health Sciences: General and Others
Health Sciences: Genetics
Health Sciences: Medical Education, Training & Research
Life Sciences: Biotechnology
Life Sciences: Genetics
Archaea-An International Microbiological Journal [1472-3646]
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Available from 2002
Full text available via PubMed Central
Available from 2002 volume: 1
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Agriculture Sciences: Soil Chemistry, Microbiology, Fertility & Fertilizers
Engineering: Biotechnology
Life Sciences: General and Others
Archives of Public Health [0778-7367]
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Available from 2011
Full text available via PubMed Central
Available from 2009 volume: 67
Full text available via Springer Nature OA Free Journals
Available from 2009/12/01 volume: 67 issue: 1
  e-Journal Details SFX
Engineering: Biotechnology
Health Sciences: Genetics
Health Sciences: Public health
Life Sciences: Biotechnology
Life Sciences: Genetics
Arms Control Today [0196-125X]
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Available from 1996 volume: 26
Most recent 1 month(s) not available
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Chemistry: Radiation Chemistry
Engineering: Biotechnology
Engineering: Nuclear Engineering
Life Sciences: Biotechnology
Biokémia [0133-8455]
Full text available via EZB journals Chemistry Pharmacy
Available from 1998 volume: 22
Full text available via Free E- Journals
Available from 1998 volume: 22
  e-Journal Details SFX
Chemistry: Biochemistry
Engineering: Biotechnology
Life Sciences: Biochemistry
Life Sciences: Biophysics
Life Sciences: Biotechnology
Biological & Pharmaceutical Bulletin [0918-6158]
Full text available via EZB journals Chemistry Pharmacy
Available from 1993 volume: 16
Full text available via J-STAGE Free
Available from 1993
  e-Journal Details SFX
Chemistry: General and Others
Engineering: Biotechnology
Health Sciences: Pharmacy and Pharmacology
Health Sciences: Physiology
Life Sciences: General and Others
Biological Procedures Online [1480-9222]
Full text available via DOAJ Directory of Open Access Journals
Available from 2009
Full text available via PubMed Central
Available from 1998 volume: 1
Full text available via Springer Nature OA Free Journals
Available from 1998/05/01 volume: 1 issue: 1
  e-Journal Details SFX
Engineering: Biotechnology
Health Sciences: General and Others
Health Sciences: Genetics
Health Sciences: Immunology
Health Sciences: Pharmacy and Pharmacology
Life Sciences: Biology
Life Sciences: General and Others
Biopharm International [1542-166X]
Full text available via EZB journals Chemistry Pharmacy
Available from 2002 volume: 15 issue: 11
  e-Journal Details SFX
Business, Economy and Management: General and Others
Business, Economy and Management: Marketing and Sales
Engineering: Biotechnology
Health Sciences: Pharmacy and Pharmacology
Life Sciences: Biotechnology
Bioscene [1539-2422]
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Available from 1975
  e-Journal Details SFX
Chemistry: Biochemistry
Engineering: Biotechnology
Life Sciences: Biology
Life Sciences: General and Others
Bioscience Biotechnology and Biochemistry [0916-8451]
Full text available via EZB journals Chemistry Pharmacy
Available from 1992 volume: 56 until (and including) 2020 volume: 84 issue: 12
Full text available via J-STAGE Free
Available from 1992 until (and including) 2013
  e-Journal Details SFX
Chemistry: Biochemistry
Engineering: Biotechnology
Life Sciences: Biochemistry
Life Sciences: Bioinformatics
Life Sciences: Biology
Life Sciences: Biophysics
Life Sciences: Biotechnology
Biotechniques [0736-6205]
Full text available via DOAJ Directory of Open Access Journals
Available from 2018
Full text available via Free E- Journals
Available from 1996 volume: 20 issue: 1
  e-Journal Details SFX
Engineering: Biotechnology
Health Sciences: General and Others
Health Sciences: Genetics
Life Sciences: Biology
Life Sciences: General and Others
Biotechnologie Agronomie Societe et Environnement [1370-6233]
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Available from 1997 until (and including) 2022
  e-Journal Details SFX
Agriculture Sciences: Crops, Crop Production and Protection
Agriculture Sciences: General and Others
Engineering: Biotechnology
Environmental Sciences: General and Others
Life Sciences: Biotechnology
Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering [1226-8372]
Full text available via Free E- Journals
Available from 1996 volume: 1 issue: 1 until (and including) 2007 volume: 12 issue: 6
  e-Journal Details SFX
Engineering: Biotechnology
Life Sciences: Bioinformatics
Life Sciences: Biotechnology
Biotecnología Aplicada [0864-4551]
Full text available via DOAJ Directory of Open Access Journals
Available from 1984 until (and including) 2022
Full text available via Free E- Journals
Available from 1990
  e-Journal Details SFX
Agriculture Sciences: Agricultural Biotechnology
Agriculture Sciences: Soil Chemistry, Microbiology, Fertility & Fertilizers
Chemistry: Biochemistry
Engineering: Biotechnology
Life Sciences: Biotechnology
Title Starts with: Showing page 1 of 4 pages.
Act - Bio * Bmc - Ind * Ind - Sou * Vir - Sha

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