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Title Starts with: Showing page 3 of 5 pages.
Ame - Cel * Cel - Her * Hum - Jou * Jou - Pur * Res - Tur
Human Fertility [1464-7273]
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Available from 2024
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Health Sciences: General and Others
Health Sciences: Physiology
Life Sciences: Andrology
Life Sciences: Cytology, Cell Biology
Life Sciences: Genetics
Life Sciences: Micro and Molecular Biology
Immunology [0019-2805]
Full text available via PubMed Central
Available from 1958 volume: 1 until (and including) 2021 volume: 164 issue: 4
  e-Journal Details SFX
Agriculture Sciences: Soil Chemistry, Microbiology, Fertility & Fertilizers
Health Sciences: General and Others
Life Sciences: Cytology, Cell Biology
Life Sciences: Genetics
Life Sciences: Immunology
Life Sciences: Micro and Molecular Biology
In Silico Biology [1386-6338]
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Available from 2012 volume: 12 issue: 1
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Information Technology: Computational Biosciences
Life Sciences: Biology
Life Sciences: Computational Biosciences
Life Sciences: Cytology, Cell Biology
Life Sciences: Micro and Molecular Biology
Mathematical Sciences: Algorithms
Indian Journal of Clinical Biochemistry [0970-1915]
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Available from 2002 volume: 17 issue: 2 until (and including) 2012 volume: 27 issue: 4
Full text available via PubMed Central
Available from 1997 volume: 12
Most recent 1 year(s) not available
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Health Sciences: Pathology
Life Sciences: Biochemistry
Life Sciences: Cytology, Cell Biology
Life Sciences: Micro and Molecular Biology
International Immunology [0953-8178]
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Available from 1996 volume: 8
  e-Journal Details SFX
Agriculture Sciences: Soil Chemistry, Microbiology, Fertility & Fertilizers
Health Sciences: General and Others
Health Sciences: Immunology
Life Sciences: Biology
Life Sciences: Cytology, Cell Biology
Life Sciences: Immunology
Life Sciences: Micro and Molecular Biology
International Journal of Molecular Medicine [1107-3756]
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Available from 2006 volume: 17 issue: 1
Most recent 1 year(s) not available
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Health Sciences: General and Others
Health Sciences: Pathology
Life Sciences: Cytology, Cell Biology
Life Sciences: Genetics
Life Sciences: Metabolism
Life Sciences: Micro and Molecular Biology
The Internet journal of gynecology and obstetrics [1528-8439]
Full text available via Internet Scientific Publications
Available from 2000 volume: 1 issue: 1
  e-Journal Details SFX
Health Sciences: General and Others
Health Sciences: Obstetrics and Gynecology
Life Sciences: Cytology, Cell Biology
Life Sciences: Immunology
Journal of Anatomy [0021-8782]
Full text available via PubMed Central
Available from 1916 volume: 51
Most recent 2 year(s) not available
  e-Journal Details SFX
Health Sciences: Anatomy
Health Sciences: Diagnostics
Health Sciences: Physiology
Life Sciences: Bioinformatics
Life Sciences: Cytology, Cell Biology
Life Sciences: Micro and Molecular Biology
Life Sciences: Zoology
Journal of Applied Physiology [8750-7587]
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Available from 1997/01 volume: 82 issue: 1
Most recent 1 year(s) not available
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Chemistry: Biochemistry
Health Sciences: General and Others
Health Sciences: Physiology
Life Sciences: Biochemistry
Life Sciences: Cytology, Cell Biology
Life Sciences: Micro and Molecular Biology
Journal of Autoimmune Diseases [1740-2557]
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Available from 2004 volume: 1
Full text available via PubMed Central
Available from 2004 volume: 1 until (and including) 2009 volume: 6
  e-Journal Details SFX
Agriculture Sciences: Soil Chemistry, Microbiology, Fertility & Fertilizers
Health Sciences: General and Others
Life Sciences: Cytology, Cell Biology
Life Sciences: Genetics
Life Sciences: Immunology
Life Sciences: Micro and Molecular Biology
Journal of Biochemistry [0021-924X]
Full text available via J-STAGE Free
Available from 1922 until (and including) 2004
  e-Journal Details SFX
Chemistry: Biochemistry
Engineering: Biotechnology
Health Sciences: Physiology
Life Sciences: Biochemistry
Life Sciences: Biotechnology
Life Sciences: Cytology, Cell Biology
Life Sciences: Micro and Molecular Biology
Journal of Biological Sciences [1727-3048]
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Available from 2001 volume: 1 issue: 1
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Life Sciences: Biology
Life Sciences: Cytology, Cell Biology
Life Sciences: Micro and Molecular Biology
Journal of Biology [1478-5854]
Full text available via DOAJ Directory of Open Access Journals
Available from 2002 until (and including) 2013
Full text available via Free E- Journals
Available from 2002 volume: 1 issue: 1
Full text available via PubMed Central
Available from 2002 volume: 1 until (and including) 2010 volume: 9 issue: 3
  e-Journal Details SFX
Life Sciences: Animal Physiology
Life Sciences: Biology
Life Sciences: Cytology, Cell Biology
Life Sciences: Micro and Molecular Biology
The Journal of Biophysical and Biochemical Cytology [0095-9901]
Full text available via PubMed Central
Available from 1955 volume: 1 until (and including) 1961 volume: 11 issue: 3
  e-Journal Details SFX
Chemistry: Biochemistry
Life Sciences: Biochemistry
Life Sciences: Biology
Life Sciences: Biophysics
Life Sciences: Cytology, Cell Biology
Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine [1582-1838]
Full text available via DOAJ Directory of Open Access Journals
Available from 2012
Full text available via PubMed Central
Available from 2000 volume: 4
  e-Journal Details SFX
Health Sciences: Medical Education, Training & Research
Life Sciences: Biology
Life Sciences: Cytology, Cell Biology
Life Sciences: Micro and Molecular Biology
Journal of Circadian Rhythms [1740-3391]
Full text available via DOAJ Directory of Open Access Journals
Available from 2004
Full text available via Free E- Journals
Available from 2003
Full text available via PubMed Central
Available from 2003 volume: 1
  e-Journal Details SFX
Life Sciences: Biology
Life Sciences: Cytology, Cell Biology
Life Sciences: General and Others
Life Sciences: Micro and Molecular Biology
Journal of Clinical Pathology [0021-9746]
Full text available via PubMed Central
Available from 1947 volume: 1 until (and including) 2007 volume: 60 issue: 12
  e-Journal Details SFX
Health Sciences: General and Others
Health Sciences: Pathology
Life Sciences: Cytology, Cell Biology
Life Sciences: Immunology
Life Sciences: Micro and Molecular Biology
Life Sciences: Virology
Journal of Experimental Botany [0022-0957]
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Available from 1996 volume: 47
Most recent 1 year(s) not available
  e-Journal Details SFX
Chemistry: Biochemistry
Life Sciences: Biochemistry
Life Sciences: Botany
Life Sciences: Cytology, Cell Biology
Life Sciences: General and Others
Journal of Mammary Gland Biology and Neoplasia [1083-3021]
Full text available via Springer Nature OA Free Journals
Available from 2023/12/01 volume: 28 issue: 1
  e-Journal Details SFX
Health Sciences: Anatomy
Health Sciences: General and Others
Life Sciences: Biology
Life Sciences: Cytology, Cell Biology
Life Sciences: Genetics
Life Sciences: Micro and Molecular Biology
Journal of Molecular Histology [1567-2379]
Full text available via EZB-ALTH-00248 FAK Springer Journals KP
Available from 2004 volume: 35 until (and including) 2019 volume: 50
  e-Journal Details SFX
Health Sciences: Histology
Life Sciences: Biology
Life Sciences: Cytology, Cell Biology
Life Sciences: Micro and Molecular Biology
Title Starts with: Showing page 3 of 5 pages.
Ame - Cel * Cel - Her * Hum - Jou * Jou - Pur * Res - Tur

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