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Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Mathematica [0208-6204]
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Available from 2003 volume: 10
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Information Technology: Computational Biosciences
Information Technology: Modelling & Simulation
Life Sciences: Biology
Life Sciences: Computational Biosciences
Mathematical Sciences: Applied Mathematics
Mathematical Sciences: General and Others
Analytical Cellular Pathology [0921-8912]
Full text available via DOAJ Directory of Open Access Journals
Available from 1997 until (and including) 2016
Full text available via PubMed Central
Available from 1997 volume: 13 until (and including) 2003 volume: 25
  e-Journal Details SFX
Chemistry: Analytical Chemistry
Chemistry: Biochemistry
Health Sciences: General and Others
Health Sciences: Pathology
Information Technology: Computational Biosciences
Life Sciences: Biology
Life Sciences: General and Others
Applied Bionics and Biomechanics [1176-2322]
Full text available via DOAJ Directory of Open Access Journals
Available from 2003
Full text available via PubMed Central
Available from 2015 volume: 2015
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Chemistry: Biochemistry
Health Sciences: Medical Informatics
Information Technology: Computational Biosciences
Life Sciences: Biology
Life Sciences: General and Others
Behavior Research Methods, Instruments & Computers : a Journal of the Psychonomic Society [0743-3808]
Full text available via EZB-ALTH-00248 FAK Springer Journals KP
Available from 1997 volume: 29 issue: 1 until (and including) 2004 volume: 36
  e-Journal Details SFX
Health Sciences: Psychiatry & Psychology
Information Technology: Computational Biosciences
Information Technology: General and Others
Life Sciences: Computational Biosciences
Social Sciences: Behavioral Science (Psychology) and Counselling
Bioinformatics [1367-4803]
Full text available via DOAJ Directory of Open Access Journals
Available from 2023
Full text available via Free E- Journals
Available from 1996
Most recent 1 year(s) not available
Full text available via PubMed Central
Available from 2007 volume: 23
  e-Journal Details SFX
Information Technology: Computational Biosciences
Life Sciences: Bioinformatics
Life Sciences: Biology
Life Sciences: Biophysics
Life Sciences: Computational Biosciences
Bioinformation [0973-2063]
Full text available via EZB-FREE-01824 free EZB journals Computer Science
Available from 2005 volume: 1 issue: 1
Full text available via Free E- Journals
Available from 2005 volume: 1
Full text available via PubMed Central
Available from 2005 volume: 1
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Information Technology: Computational Biosciences
Life Sciences: Bioinformatics
Life Sciences: Biology
Bmc Bioinformatics [1471-2105]
Full text available via DOAJ Directory of Open Access Journals
Available from 2000
Full text available via EZB-FREE-01824 free EZB journals Computer Science
Available from 2000 volume: 1
Full text available via PubMed Central
Available from 2000 volume: 1
Full text available via Springer Nature OA Free Journals
Available from 2000/12/01 volume: 1 issue: 1
  e-Journal Details SFX
Engineering: Biomedical Engineering
Information Technology: Computational Biosciences
Life Sciences: Bioinformatics
Life Sciences: Biology
Life Sciences: Biophysics
Life Sciences: Computational Biosciences
Bmc Endocrine Disorders [1472-6823]
Full text available via DOAJ Directory of Open Access Journals
Available from 2001
Full text available via PubMed Central
Available from 2001 volume: 1
Full text available via Springer Nature OA Free Journals
Available from 2001/12/01 volume: 1 issue: 1
  e-Journal Details SFX
Health Sciences: General and Others
Information Technology: Computational Biosciences
Life Sciences: Bioinformatics
Life Sciences: Computational Biosciences
Life Sciences: Genetics
Life Sciences: Micro and Molecular Biology
Bmc Infectious Diseases [1471-2334]
Full text available via DOAJ Directory of Open Access Journals
Available from 2001
Full text available via PubMed Central
Available from 2001 volume: 1
Full text available via Springer Nature OA Free Journals
Available from 2001/12/01 volume: 1 issue: 1
  e-Journal Details SFX
Chemistry: Biochemistry
Engineering: Biotechnology
Health Sciences: Diseases
Health Sciences: General and Others
Information Technology: Computational Biosciences
Life Sciences: General and Others
BMC Molecular Biology [1471-2199]
Full text available via PubMed Central
Available from 2000 volume: 1 until (and including) 2019 volume: 20
Full text available via Springer Nature OA Free Journals
Available from 2000/12/01 volume: 1 issue: 1 until (and including) 2019/12/31 volume: 20 issue: 1
  e-Journal Details SFX
Chemistry: Biochemistry
Health Sciences: General and Others
Health Sciences: Genetics
Information Technology: Computational Biosciences
Life Sciences: Biology
Life Sciences: General and Others
Briefings in Bioinformatics [1467-5463]
Full text available via EZB-FREE-01824 free EZB journals Computer Science
Available from 2000 volume: 1 issue: 1
Full text available via PubMed Central
Available from 2008 volume: 9
  e-Journal Details SFX
Health Sciences: Genetics
Health Sciences: Medical Informatics
Information Technology: Computational Biosciences
Information Technology: Healthcare Database & Medical Informatics
Life Sciences: Biology
Life Sciences: General and Others
Comparative and Functional Genomics [1531-6912]
Full text available via PubMed Central
Available from 2001 volume: 2 until (and including) 2012 volume: 2012
  e-Journal Details SFX
Chemistry: Biochemistry
Health Sciences: Genetics
Health Sciences: Pharmacy and Pharmacology
Information Technology: Computational Biosciences
Life Sciences: Biology
Life Sciences: General and Others
Computer Applications in the Biosciences [0266-7061]
Full text available via EZB-FREE-01824 free EZB journals Computer Science
Available from 1985 volume: 1 issue: 1 until (and including) 1997 volume: 13
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Information Technology: Computational Biosciences
Life Sciences: Bioinformatics
Life Sciences: Biology
Cormorant [0250-0213]
Full text available via Free E- Journals
Available from 1978 volume: 5 until (and including) 1989 volume: 17 issue: 2
  e-Journal Details SFX
Environmental Sciences: Biodiversity
Environmental Sciences: Conservation
Environmental Sciences: Ecosystems & Ecology
Information Technology: Computational Biosciences
Life Sciences: General and Others
Life Sciences: Zoology
Mathematical Sciences: Statistics
Current Genomics [1389-2029]
Full text available via PubMed Central
Available from 2006 volume: 7
Most recent 6 month(s) not available
  e-Journal Details SFX
Health Sciences: General and Others
Information Technology: Computational Biosciences
Life Sciences: Biology
Life Sciences: General and Others
Drosophila information service [0070-7333]
Full text available via Free E- Journals
Available from 1934 volume: 1
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Information Technology: Computational Biosciences
Life Sciences: General and Others
Life Sciences: Zoology
Electronic Journal of Biotechnology [0717-3458]
Full text available via DOAJ Directory of Open Access Journals
Available from 2014
  e-Journal Details SFX
Engineering: Biotechnology
Information Technology: Computational Biosciences
Life Sciences: General and Others
Evolutionary Computation [1063-6560]
Full text available via EZB-FREE-01824 free EZB journals Computer Science
Available from 1993 volume: 1 until (and including) 2000 volume: 8
  e-Journal Details SFX
Information Technology: Computational Biosciences
Information Technology: Computer Architecture, Languages and Compilers
Life Sciences: Computational Biosciences
Life Sciences: Evolutionary Studies
Life Sciences: Genetics
Mathematical Sciences: Algorithms
Mathematical Sciences: Applied Mathematics
Frontiers in Zoology [1742-9994]
Full text available via DOAJ Directory of Open Access Journals
Available from 2004
Full text available via Free E- Journals
Available from 2004 volume: 1
Full text available via PubMed Central
Available from 2004 volume: 1
Full text available via Springer Nature OA Free Journals
Available from 2004/12/01 volume: 1 issue: 1
  e-Journal Details SFX
Environmental Sciences: Biodiversity
Environmental Sciences: Ecosystems & Ecology
Health Sciences: Neurology
Health Sciences: Physiology
Information Technology: Computational Biosciences
Life Sciences: General and Others
Life Sciences: Zoology
Ieee Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering [1534-4320]
Full text available via DOAJ Directory of Open Access Journals
Available from 2021
  e-Journal Details SFX
Engineering: Electrical Engineering
Engineering: Electronics
Health Sciences: Pharmacy and Pharmacology
Information Technology: Artificial Intelligence
Information Technology: Computational Biosciences
Information Technology: Neural Networks
Life Sciences: Computational Biosciences
Title Starts with: Showing page 1 of 2 pages.
Act - Iee * Imm - Plo

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