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A&C [1516-3210]
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Available from 1999 volume: 1 issue: 1
Most recent 1 year(s) not available
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Law: General and Others
ABA Journal [0747-0088]
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Available from 2004
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Law: General and Others
Aboriginal law bulletin [0728-5671]
Full text available via EZB journals Jurisprudence
Available from 1981 issue: 1 until (and including) 1997 volume: 3 issue: 90
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Available from 1981 volume: 1 issue: 1 until (and including) 1997 volume: 3 issue: 90
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Law: General and Others
Academy for Studies in Business Law journal [1524-7260]
Full text available via EZB journals Jurisprudence
Available from 1998 volume: 1 issue: 1 until (and including) 2001 volume: 4 issue: 2
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Law: General and Others
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis Folia Iuridica [0208-6069]
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Available from 2016
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Law: General and Others
Acta Universitatis Wratislaviensis. Przegląd Prawa i Administracji [0137-1134]
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Available from 2008 volume: 77
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Law: General and Others
Actualites Du Droit [0778-1695]
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Law: General and Others
'Adalah: Jurnal Hukum Islam [0854-1272]
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Available from 2012 until (and including) 2022
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Law: General and Others
Advocatus [1996-4773]
Full text available via EZB journals Jurisprudence
Available from 1990 volume: 1
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Law: General and Others
Aequitas [0327-8972]
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Available from 1963 volume: 4
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Law: General and Others
African Disability Rights Yearbook [2311-8970]
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Available from 2013 volume: 1
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Law: General and Others
African Human Rights Law Journal [1609-073X]
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Available from 2001
Full text available via EZB journals Jurisprudence
Available from 2001 volume: 1
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Available from 2000 volume: 1
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Arts and Humanities: Human Rights, Women's Studies & Child Welfare
Law: General and Others
Social Sciences: Regional and International Studies
African Journal of Legal Studies [2210-9730]
Full text available via EZB journals Jurisprudence
Available from 2004 volume: 1 until (and including) 2017 volume: 10 issue: 3
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Law: General and Others
AGORA International Journal of Juridical Sciences [1843-570X]
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Available from 2007 volume: 1
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Law: General and Others
Air Force Law Review [0094-8381]
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Available from 1994 volume: 37
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Engineering: Aerospace and Aeronautics
Engineering: General and Others
Law: General and Others
Law: Regional and International Law
Social Sciences: Foreign Policy, Defense and Internal Security
Social Sciences: Public Policy & Administration
Akron intellectual property journal [1938-4572]
Full text available via EZB journals Jurisprudence
Available from 2007 volume: 1 issue: 1 until (and including) 2015 volume: 9 issue: 1
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Available from 2007 volume: 1 issue: 1 until (and including) 2015 volume: 9 issue: 1
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Law: General and Others
Akron law review [0002-371X]
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Available from 1968 volume: 1 issue: 1
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Available from 1968 volume: 1
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Law: General and Others
Akron law review: Strict Scrutiny
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Available from 2009
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Law: Arbitration, Education & Training
Law: Constitution and Judicial System
Law: General and Others
Law: Intellectual Property
Akron tax journal [1044-4130]
Full text available via EZB journals Jurisprudence
Available from 1983 volume: 1 until (and including) 2014 volume: 29
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Available from 1983 volume: 1
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Law: Corporate laws
Law: Foreign Trade & Commercial Transactions
Law: General and Others
Law: Taxation Laws
Alabama law review [0002-4279]
Full text available via EZB journals Jurisprudence
Available from 1997 volume: 48 issue: 2
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Available from 1997 volume: 49 issue: 2
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Law: General and Others
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