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Title Starts with: Showing page 3 of 196 pages.
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IALE bulletin [1570-6524]
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Available from 1983
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IALLT journal of language learning technologies [1943-0361]
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Available from 2000 volume: 32 issue: 1
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IALS Student Law Review [2053-7646]
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Available from 2014 until (and including) 2019
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IAM journal [1083-0413]
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Available from 2002
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Business, Economy and Management: Business Management
Business, Economy and Management: Economics
IAMO. Discussion paper. [1438-2172]
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Available from 2005
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Italian Journal of Sociology of Education [2035-4983]
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Available from 2009
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Ianna Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies [2735-9883]
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Available from 2019
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Ianua [1616-413X]
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Available from 2000 volume: 1
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Arts and Humanities: Language & Linguistics
IANUS Diritto e Finanza [1974-9805]
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Available from 2009
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IAPA news [0018-8409]
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Available from 2008 issue: 441
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Arts and Humanities: Literature
IAQ-Report / Institut Arbeit und Qualifikation [1864-0486]
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Available from 2007
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IARC handbooks of cancer prevention [1027-5622]
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Available from 1997 volume: 1
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Health Sciences: Clinical Medicine
IARC Monographs
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Available from 1999 volume: 71
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IARC monographs on the evaluation of carcinogenic risks to humans [1017-1606]
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Available from 1999 volume: 71
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Health Sciences: Clinical Medicine
The IAS newsletter [2330-295X]
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Available from 1973
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IASB update [1474-2675]
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Available from 2001
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Business, Economy and Management: Trade and Commerce
IASC ... Bulletin [1654-7594]
Full text available via EZB journals Geosciences
Available from 2008
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Life Sciences: General and Others
IASSIST Quarterly [0739-1137]
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Available from 2018
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Available from 1977 volume: 1 issue: 1
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Information Technology: Database Design & Management
Information Technology: Internet
Library and Information Sciences: General and Others
Social Sciences: General and Others
Social Sciences: Sociology
Iatreia [0121-0793]
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Available from 1988
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Earth Sciences: Geography
Health Sciences: General and Others
IATSS Research [0386-1112]
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Available from 2000
Full text available via EZB journals Technology
Available from 2000 volume: 24 issue: 1
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Engineering: Automobile and Transportation
Title Starts with: Showing page 3 of 196 pages.
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