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Acciones e Investigaciones Sociales [1132-192X]
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Available from 1991
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Available from 1991
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Law: Crime, Criminology and Law Enforcement
ACSSA newsletter [1448-8140]
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Available from 2003 issue: 1
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Law: Crime, Criminology and Law Enforcement
ACSSA wrap [1833-1483]
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Available from 2003 issue: 1
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Law: Crime, Criminology and Law Enforcement
Acta Criminologica [0065-1168]
Full text available via EZB journals Jurisprudence
Available from 1968 volume: 1 until (and including) 1974 volume: 7
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Law: Crime, Criminology and Law Enforcement
Advances in Social Work [2331-4125]
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Available from 2008 until (and including) 2021
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Law: Crime, Criminology and Law Enforcement
AFB directory of services for blind and visually impaired persons in the United States and Canada [1067-5833]
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Most recent 1 year(s) available
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Law: Crime, Criminology and Law Enforcement
African Journal of Criminology and Justice Studies : AJCJS [1554-3897]
Full text available via EZB journals Jurisprudence
Available from 2005 volume: 1 issue: 1
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Available from 2005 volume: 1 issue: 1
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Law: Crime, Criminology and Law Enforcement
Al-majdal [1726-7277]
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Available from 1999
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Law: Crime, Criminology and Law Enforcement
Alaska Law Review [0883-0568]
Full text available via EZB journals Jurisprudence
Available from 1997 volume: 14 issue: 2
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Available from 1997 volume: 14 issue: 2
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Law: Crime, Criminology and Law Enforcement
Law: Environmental Law & Policy
Law: General and Others
Law: Policies
Alcohol alert [1460-7174]
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Health Sciences: General and Others
Law: Crime, Criminology and Law Enforcement
Social Sciences: Behavioral Science (Psychology) and Counselling
Social Sciences: Developmental Issues & Socioeconomic Studies
Social Sciences: Rehabilitation
Social Sciences: Sociology
Alcohol and Alcoholism [0735-0414]
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Available from 1996 volume: 31 issue: 1
Most recent 1 year(s) not available
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Health Sciences: Clinical Medicine
Health Sciences: Psychiatry & Psychology
Law: Crime, Criminology and Law Enforcement
Social Sciences: Behavioral Science (Psychology) and Counselling
Social Sciences: Rehabilitation
Social Sciences: Sociology
Alcohol health and research world (Online) [0090-838X]
Full text available via EZB journals Chemistry Pharmacy
Available from 1994 volume: 18 issue: 1 until (and including) 1998 volume: 22
Full text available via PubMed Central
Available from 1994 volume: 18 until (and including) 1998 volume: 22 issue: 4
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Health Sciences: General and Others
Health Sciences: Medical Education, Training & Research
Law: Crime, Criminology and Law Enforcement
Social Sciences: General and Others
Alcohol Research-Current Reviews [1535-7414]
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Available from 1999 volume: 23 until (and including) 2011 volume: 34 issue: 2
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Health Sciences: General and Others
Law: Crime, Criminology and Law Enforcement
Social Sciences: Behavioral Science (Psychology) and Counselling
Social Sciences: Sociology
American Red Cross [1042-5853]
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Available from 1998
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Health Sciences: General and Others
Law: Crime, Criminology and Law Enforcement
Social Sciences: Community Based Awareness and Relief Service
Social Sciences: Disability Studies & Assistance
Animal Welfare [0962-7286]
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Available from 2023
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Available from 2023 volume: 32
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Agriculture Sciences: Veterinary Science
Law: Crime, Criminology and Law Enforcement
Life Sciences: Zoology
Annual report - Australian Institute of Criminology [0311-449X]
Full text available via EZB journals Jurisprudence
Available from 1996 volume: 24
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Available from 1995
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Law: Crime, Criminology and Law Enforcement
Annual report - British Columbia. Police Complaint Commissioner [1495-8147]
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Available in 2001
Available from 2003
Most recent 1 year(s) not available
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Law: Crime, Criminology and Law Enforcement
Annual report - Canada. Commission for Public Complaints against the RCMP [1700-5353]
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Available from 1997
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Law: Crime, Criminology and Law Enforcement
Annual report - Criminology Research Council [0311-4481]
Full text available via EZB journals Jurisprudence
Available from 1996 volume: 24
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Available from 1996
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Law: Crime, Criminology and Law Enforcement
Annual report CrimTrac Agency [1446-0203]
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Available from 2000
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Law: Crime, Criminology and Law Enforcement
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